Parish Council Meeting
December 2020
Thursday, 18:30
Current advice is to avoid physical meetings where possible, so the Parish Council Meeting will be held on Zoom.
Current advice is to avoid physical meetings where possible, so the Parish Council Meeting will be held on Zoom.
Parish Council Meeting
Additional Documents
03. County Councillor Report RJO - December 2020.pdf 04. Minutes ETPC Meeting August 2020.pdf 10. PC Annual Report 2019-20.pdf 12. ETPC Risk Assessment May 2020.pdf 13.1 Quarterly Financial Statement.pdf 13.10 Recon for BS 35.pdf 13.11 BS 36 for recon.pdf 13.12 Recon for BS 36.pdf 13.13 Budget Monitoring 2020-21 to 8.12.20.pdf 13.6 Recon for BS 33.pdf 13.7 BS 34 for recon.pdf 13.8 Recon for BS 34.pdf 13.9 BS 35 for recon.pdf 13.14 Budget and Precept Proposal 2021-22.pdf 13.2 Cashbook 20-21 as of 8.12.20 for recons.pdf 13.3 BS 32 for recon.pdf 13.4 Recon for BS 32.pdf 13.5 BS 33 for recon.pdf