Northanger Benefice
St James East Tisted is part of the Northanger Benefice one of nine active Churches supported by non-stipendiary clergy, Rev'd Carrie Walshaw and Rev’d Lesley Leon. We also call upon retired clergy and other qualified local clergy to support us. The Churchwardens and Parochial Church Council look after the Church building, graveyard and fixtures and fittings. Details of our clergy and Churchwardens are given below.
We have a service every Sunday at 10.00, with two lay-led Matins and two clergy-led celebrations of Holy Communion each month; details are given below. From January, we join with other Benefice Churches on the fist Sunday of each month as shown in the Parish News.
We rely on volunteers to keep the Church fit for purpose and there is always more work to do than hands to do it. If you can help either with time or money (or both) please contact the Churchwardens.
Finally, please remember us in your will, to keep us viable for future generations.
Services for September 2024 -
all services at St James unless otherwise stated
8 Sept 10am Holy Communion - Rev Lesley Leon
15 Sept 10am Morning Prayer - Lay led
22 Sept 10am Holy Communion Rev Chris Salter
29 Sept 6pm Colemore - Harvest Festival - Bishop David
St James East Tisted is part of the Northanger Benefice covering a number of Anglican Churches in the area. Details of the clergy are given below:
Rev'd Carrie Walshaw 01420 511706 revcarriewalshaw@gmail.com
Rev'd Lesley Leon 01730 268509 lesley.leon@ntlworld.com
Rev'd John Ellison 01420 511346 revjohnellison@hotmail.com
Churchwardens at St James East Tisted:
Basil Lansdale 01420 587268