If you have any news which you would like to share with the community, please email the Parish Clerk
Home Farm Development
On 19 Mar 24 Rotherfield Estate gave a presentation of proposals for the development of the Home Farm site at the centre of the village. The illustration shows some ideas for the site which will be fleshed out over the coming months.
What's on in East Tisted
12 December:You are invited to an open public meeting at 7:30pm to discuss plans for the old Bowtell's farm site in the village hall. Immediately before this at 6:00 pm (note change of time) is our next Parish Council meeting. You are welcome to attend both meetings.
17 December:Lessons and Carols by candlelight at 6pm at St Peter's Colemore
25 December:Six Lessons and Carols in St James, East Tisted on Christmas morning at 10.30am
31 December:Join us to see the New Year in with Snap, Crackle and Pop disco in the village hall from 8 till late. Entry £5 and there is a cash bar. Please book withsbenn37339@aol.com
The village hall has a new website! Check it out atwww.easttistedvillagehall.org.ukwhere you will find details of all that is going on in the village hall.
Casual Vacancy for a Councillor
Please see the Notice Board page https://www.easttisted-pc.gov.uk/notice-board for details of how the vacancy created by the resignation of Councillor Peter Finch will be filled
Ukraine Appeal Coffee Morning - 23rd April
Coffee Morning ( in aid of DEC Ukraine Appeal)
East Tisted Village Hall
Saturday 23rd April 10.30-12.00
Do come and join us and meet friends old & new
Bring & Buy, Books, Produce, Cakes & Raffle
Any donations for the above stalls would be most welcome
Please bring on the day or contact
01420 588443 or 511415 for collection
Books can be left at the Village Shop
Recreation Field
Several villagers have expressed concern that some users of the recreation ground have not been picking up after their dogs. It was suggested that, as the recreation ground is not public property, we limit access using a coded lock and the Parish Council have decided to trial this. The code is obtainable from Eveie Light. Please contact her by e-mail eveie.light@gmail.com. Please do not pass the code on to people living outside the village. The locks will be fitted on Monday 1 November. The code will be changed from time to time if it appears to have been used by outsiders.
Thank you, East Tisted Parish Council
Litter Picking
The recent Parish Council meeting in December discussed the increasing problem of litter within the village environs. It had been suggested that litter picking be organised, however, Councillors were concerned that it would be unsafe to collect litter as an organised group, particularly along the A32. It was concluded that the safest way would be to encourage villagers to collect litter during their normal walking around the village.
The Parish Council would like to thank those villagers who have been active in collecting litter over recent weeks. This public spirited behaviour has made a notable difference within and around the village and we hope it will continue over coming months.
Highways and Traffic. At the Annual meeting of the Parish Council in May 2019, villagers were canvased as to the priorities they felt should be addressed by the Parish Council in the coming year. Once again, the majority of concerns were centred on highways and traffic through the village. A Highways Working Party was formed to concentrate on these matters, led by Councillor Peter Finch and including Councillors Colin Rule and Phil Cutts. Over the past year, progress in this area has included the following:
· Strengthening of the relationship with HCC Highways Department to gain support for East Tisted projects and initiatives.
· A detailed survey of the condition of the roads and markings in and around the village, which generated requests for repairs to HCC. The majority of these defects have now been repaired and villagers have been encouraged in future to report defects as they occur through Hantsweb at https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/roadproblems
· Following these repairs, the road through the village, Station Road, has been tarred and chipped this summer.
· A project to obtain our own Speed Indicator Device was launched to improve compliance with speed limits within the village. The sign, which can be mounted on a number of different sites within the village, flashes the speed of any vehicle approaching above the speed limit, encouraging them to observe the limit. The device also collects data on traffic volumes and speeds which can be used to support other traffic initiatives.
Village Website. Parish Councils are legally required to publish certain information, including meeting agendas and minutes on village websites. This year, the regulations covering these websites changed to include the requirement for compliance with UK security and data protection legislation (GDPR etc.) and also Accessibility Standards. As our previous website did not meet these standards, a new website was built and launched in summer 2020. You can see this at
Local businesses may advertise on the website at no cost and notices regarding events can be posted by emailing clerk@easttisted-pc.gov.uk
Water Supply. East Tisted experienced an unacceptable level of water outages, between 8-10 in the past year 2018/19. South East Water (SEW) hosted a drop-in session in response to complaints and explained that the main factor causing the high frequency of outages was that the East Tisted supply was a direct feed from the pumping station in Oakhanger and that any outages of the pumping station due to power supplies or water quality problems would result an interruption to the supply to East Tisted. They planned a project to install a new pumping station in Farringdon and part of this project would be to install an automatic pressure sensing valve, such that if the supply from Oakhanger were interrupted, the valve would feed water from the reservoir / water tower in Four Marks to East Tisted. This project is now due for completion by March next year and should virtually eliminate the kind of outages that East Tisted has experienced for years.
PC Meetings. From the outbreak of the pandemic, the council has been restricted in how meetings may be held. The Annual Village Meeting, due to be held in May was postponed until a time when the meeting may be held face to face. Parish Council meetings in May and August were held by Zoom and were joined by some members of the public. It is likely that the December meeting will also be held by Zoom. As we were unable to canvas villagers’ views on Parish Council priorities for this year directly at the Annual Meeting, we are requesting that any views, suggestions or requests be forwarded to the Parish Council through the Parish Clerk at clerk@easttisted-pc.gov.uk by no later than 10 December, to allow full consideration at the next Parish Council meeting on 17 December.
Parish Councillors. Details of Parish Councillors can be found on the village website – see the link above. Particular thanks must go to Councillor Helen Evison, who in addition to acting as a councillor, also fills the roles of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer, demanding roles which are paid roles in most Parish Councils, thus saving East Tisted a significant portion of our annual precept which can therefore be applied to other projects.
Phil Cutts
Councillor and Chairman
East Tisted Parish Council 25 November 2020
Speed Indicator Device for East Tisted
At the Annual Village Meeting in May 2019, villagers were clear that their highest priority was the improvement of road safety with particular attention to speed reduction measures. Rather than concentrating on a single item / solution, it was proposed that an ambitious programme of improvements be developed that could be implemented as and when funding became available. Sources of funding were to be researched and improvements prioritised. A Highways Working Party - a sub-committee of the Parish Council - was formed under the Chairmanship of Councillor Peter Finch, assisted by Councillors Colin Rule and Phil Cutts, and over the past year, much work has been carried out in developing relationships with Hampshire Highways, improving the reporting of highways defects to ensure rapid repairs and also researching longer term improvements.
Improving compliance with speed limits within the village is a very important road safety measure and to assist that, the Parish Council, with a grant support from our District Councillor Charles Louisson, have purchased a Speed Indicator Device (SID), which flashes the speed of any vehicle approaching above the speed limit, encouraging them to observe the limit. The device will also collect data on traffic volumes and speeds which can be used to support other traffic initiatives. In the picture, Councillor Finch is shown commissioning the SID on 25 June on Station Road. The device will be moved to different locations within the village on a regular basis.
New Rural Crime Campaign Launched In East Hampshire
Officers from East Hampshire’s Neighbourhood Policing Team have launched a new campaign to target criminals carrying out rural crime in the district. Op Rebate East will see targeted days of action involving officers from various teams across the force. Officers will also look to set up a new Rural Crime Tactical Board, to bring rural communities together and share information on current trends, policing operations and the latest crime prevention advice. Acting Sergeant Dan Ross, from Alton police station, said: “We are very aware of how devastating rural crime can be to people’s lives and livelihoods, and it is a district priority. “Our focus will be on burglaries at residential properties in rural areas, such as the targeting of barns and outbuildings, and business burglaries, such as at farms. “We have seen rural burglaries recently in the district, with a common MO being groups of two to four people committing offences overnight and using high-powered 4x4s with cloned number plates, or no number plates at all. “Op Rebate East will draw on the work carried out by our colleagues in the north east of the county, where days of action involved officers from Country Watch, Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Response and Patrol and bordering police forces. “We aim to regularly update our communities on any activity we carry out, and we will look to hold dedicated rural crime beat surgeries on our East Hants Police Facebook page.” Advice Officers would like to share some crime prevention advice that can help people protect their property. These include: • Lock farm equipment and vehicles in a secure building when not in use • Invest in a secure storage toolbox • Install a burglar alarm on buildings where your equipment is kept • Always lock vehicles when left outside and keep the keys in your possession • Keep expensive items and vehicles out of sight when not in use • Consider using hitch locks, wheels clamps or ground anchors • Keep a record of all valuable items • Consider fitting outside security lights More crime prevention advice can be found here: https://www.hampshire.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/rc/rural-crime/rural-crime-prevention/ |
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Dogs Worrying and Chasing Livestock
In the past few weeks Country Watch has seen a large increase in dogs chasing and attacking livestock in and around our rural communities in Hampshire and Isle of Wight. This week a resident of East Hants who owns a black Labrador was issued a Community Resolution which they agreed to pay £1250 compensation, write a letter of apology and accept a Dog Behaviour Contract after their dog chased and killed five lambs. Please keep your dog(s) under close control or on a lead at all times, especially in the countryside where it is likely that livestock will be tending to their young at this time of year. Kind Regards, Scott |
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